May10thWed Fricassee Chicken

Fricassee chicken is an easy all-time favourite recipe to prepare as a regular weekday or even a Sunday meal. It is essentially a fried chicken that is then cooked further with a sauce. What some people may do is to add irish potatoes and carrots to the chicken along with their spices and herbs to get a thicker sauce. So it all depends on your style and taste.

1 whole chicken (3 lbs)
1 medium onion -chopped
1 stalk sprig onion- chopped
2 sprigs thyme
1 small sweet pepper cut into small pieces
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 tsp butter
3 tbsp cooking oil
Half cup tomato ketchup
2 tsp chicken seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp grated ginger (optional)
1 medium irish potato diced (optional)
1 small carrot diced (optional)

Cut chicken into serving sizes, removing or keeping the skin in the process
Clean and wash with lime or vinegar water
Add all ingredients except ketchup, oil, butter, carrot and irish potato.
Let marinate for about 5 minutes. (It is always best to add herbs and spices to chicken a day or a couple hours before, but in a case where it can't be done, follow same instructions. The longer it’s marinated, the better the seasoning will soak through the meat giving it a better flavour).
Add cooking oil to large frying pan and place over low to medium heat, after heating add pieces of chicken without the herbs and spices. Let fry on both sides.
When done, pour excess oil from frying pan, then add fried chicken, herbs and spices, irish potato, carrots, butter and ketchup to same pan. Also add 1 cup water, this cooks the meat, irish, carrots, herbs and spices and helps make sauce.
Cover pan and cook over medium flame until water turns to sauce.

Serve and enjoy!
